Process Journal
Process Journal Entry #1
Process Journal Entry #1:
Today, I have decided my personal project. It will be involving the creation of a fitness course in the Codrington School. The inspiration for this idea came from the parks in Spain. Recently, Spain has been striving to reduce obesity in its country by installing fitness courses in its parks as seen across:
These as you can see are very simplistic yet practical machines. I will obviously, not be able to produce such high quality of metallic equipment but, I can make basic, and essential courses such as a pull-up bar, tire run, etc.… What this does give me however is evidence that there is demand for this type of equipment around the world and therefore, why not Barbados?
Process Journal Entry #2
Process Journal Entry #2:
Today, I have visited a resort in St. Lucia called The Body Holiday. It is a very luxurious resort with a lot of activities to do. One thing however caught my eye, there was a complete fitness course in the outskirts of the resort. I immediately went to do the fitness course and take multiple pictures of it, digitalizing my discovery.
This fitness course however seems easier to build; it is mostly made out of wood and metal tubes. This shows that it is possible to create an aesthetically pleasing fitness course with commonly used materials.
Process Journal Entry #3
Process Journal Entry #3: (September 13)
Today, I went on a trip to the Aquatic Centre by the Garfield Sobers Sports Complex. While we were there, we took pictures of their own fitness course to serve as an inspiration for our fitness course. What we found was that their courses were quite simplistic yet practical which is what we are trying to achieve as well. Another thing to mention is that the materials used were mostly varnished wood and metal. These materials are quite easy to obtain and utilize with the correct instruments. Examples of these courses are seen below:
Another aspect that I was really fond of was the signs that they put to describe each station. I found these visually stimulating and felt that it added great detail to the station. I might utilize this idea in my fitness course to instruct the users on how to use the different stations around the course. I even found a website where all of these trails can be found:
Process Journal Entry #4
Process Journal Entry #4: (September 20)
I haven’t worked on my Personal Project until now, today however, I measured the area that my fitness course will be built on. I originally planned to build my fitness course in proximity to the school café but after analyzing the area, it was too uneven to create a fitness course. Therefore, I changed the area to a section behind the football field. Not only was this area level but also it did not have any debris, which did not need to be cleared.
A Fitness course that includes a:
Pull- Up Bar
Tire Run
Bar Jump
Sit Up Bench
Body Raise
Would, according to my calculations have to measure around 19 by 40 feet. The fitness course should also be at least 3 feet away from the fence due to safety precautions. For my next entry I should aim to begin collecting all my materials for the project. The sooner I start the construction the better the odds of me completing it will be. Apart from that, I will have to make my own personal timeline and criteria for tomorrow, which will be how I grade my own project and how it will be evaluated. I will need to show these to my supervisor in order to see if they are
Process Journal Entry #5
Personal Project Journal Entry #5: (October 4):
It’s been a while since I have worked on my personal project; this therefore meant that I had to make some serious progress on todays work. Today, I self-taught myself how to use Google Sketchup. In order to teach myself Sketchup I used online tutorials that I have found on the Internet which helped me to learn the essentials of Google Sketchup. What this software enables me to do, is to create accurate, 3D models of each of my stations in order for me to picture the materials needed as well as estimate the area that my stations will need. An example of my work can be seen aside:
Apart from this, I have prepared interview questions in order to collect even more primary research. These interview questions will be directed towards my football coach which, could help me with the physical aspect by telling me which stations are more important than others. I will also ask my dad’s physiotherapist the same questions. This is because the more data I have about a subject the more reliable my information will be. I will also have a mentor that will assist me in the construction of the fitness course due to this being the first time that I have attempted a project like this. Next time I work on my personal project I will be looking for materials that I need for my construction and therefore begin building as soon as possible.